Benefits of Cloud Contact Center Over on-Premise Contact Center

A contact center is a crucial component of various businesses, providing a centralized hub for handling customer inquiries, support requests, and sales. There are two primary deployment models (on-premises and cloud-based) for the contact center. As technology has become more advanced, on premises contact centers are no longer in demand due to various concerns though cloud contact centers are becoming popular.

Differences Between The Two Types of Contact Centers

One of the major differences between these contact centers is the ownership and control of the infrastructure.

An on-premise contact center is usually installed in a company’s own data center or server room. So, the company’s IT staff manages, maintains, and installs all hardware and software required for proper functioning. The company owns and controls the infrastructure and is accountable for all aspects of its operation, supervision, and upkeep. They ensure all resources are properly implemented on site. 

In contrast, a cloud contact center is hosted (deployed and managed) by a third-party provider and accessed over the Internet. The provider hosts the hardware and software necessary to run the contact center in a remote data center. 

Cloud unified communications enable organizations to streamline communication processes, collaborate more effectively, and enhance productivity. With cloud UC, companies can enjoy a wide range of communication features, such as voice calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, presence management, and more – all from a unified interface that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, on any device with a safe internet connection. 


Avaya, Genesys, and Cisco are some common examples of on premise contact center platforms, while Amazon Connect, Twilio, and Five9 are examples of cloud contact center providers.

Furthermore, American Express, Delta Airlines, and Best Buy have deployed on-premise contact centers, while companies such as Airbnb, Lyft, and Shopify have opted for cloud contact centers.

Advantages of Cloud Contact Center Over On-premise Contact Center

  • Cost Effectiveness 

There are numerous advantages of installing a cloud contact center instead of an on-premise contact center. Cost savings is one of the major and perhaps the most significant ones as it eliminates the investment cost of expensive hardware and software installations. Ultimately reducing the outlay of hiring additional staff because the provider manages the maintenance and upgrades. The customer only pays for their services. 

No more investing in costly infrastructure upfront!

  • Scalability and Flexibility

Cloud contact centers offer higher scalability and flexibility. It is much easier to scale up or down as needed because the 3rd-party manages the infrastructure. This helps companies swiftly adjust to changing business requirements and ensure that they only pay for the resources they need at any time. 

For example, during peak periods, a company can quickly add additional agents or resources to handle augmented call volumes and then scale back down during sluggish periods.

  • Ease of Access and Use

They are more accessible and available than on-premise contact centers for being hosted remotely. They can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection and allow agents to work from home or in remote locations. Furthermore, cloud contact centers typically offer greater reliability and higher uptime as they are hosted in redundant data centers with multiple failover mechanisms. It means that even at the failure of hardware or software, the contact center can effortlessly and faster failover to another data center, guaranteeing minimized service interruptions.

  • Security and Reliability

Last but not least, security and reliability are also significant advantages of cloud contact centers. Cloud providers typically have more resources and expertise for security and compliance than individual companies. They also guarantee that customer data is kept protected.

Cloud providers typically have more vigorous disaster recovery and business continuity plans. It gives the peace of mind that even in a major outage or disaster, the contact center can quickly and efficiently resume normal operations.

Harness Advanced Technologies of Cloud Contact Centers

Cloud contact centers offer advanced technologies and features that can future-proof your contact center operations, including:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities for predictive analytics
  • Chatbots for enhanced self-service options
  • Omnichannel capabilities for seamless customer interactions across multiple channels
  • Integrations with other business tools for improved productivity and efficiency

Cloud contact centers also provide regular updates and enhancements to keep up with the latest industry trends and customer expectations, making sure that your contact center stays modern and relevant in the ever-changing business landscape.

Final Thoughts

On premises contact centers have been the traditional choice for various businesses, while cloud contact centers are more in demand in this technological world. Cloud contact centers provide considerable advantages when it comes to cost savings, accessibility, scalability, and reliability. Businesses should carefully consider their business needs and evaluate the options to decide which type of contact center fits their organization best.

Cloud vs On-Premise Call Centers

Cloud vs On-Premise Call Centers differences and benefits for businesses will be discussed in this blog. Let us start with a slight introduction to Cloud and On-Premise Call centers. A cloud call center housed on a corporate server serves as the nerve center, coordinating all customer interactions. Because the center is hosted in the cloud, it may interact with customers through phone, email, social media, and the internet. Customers must have adequate bandwidth to support Internet connections for cloud contact center solutions. Companies choose to modernize their call centers by using cloud-based solutions as customers increasingly contact them through digital means.

On-site call centers are more traditional and hardware-based. Every few years, on-site contact centers need costly upgrades. With dedicated communications servers and an on-site contact center, your communication equipment, software, and infrastructure remain on-site. As a result, your IT department is responsible for installing, maintaining, and supporting everything from servers to headsets, as well as integration.

Cloud vs On-Premise Call Centers: Differences & Benefits for Businesses

Typically, organizations compare the cloud and call centers based on a few key metrics. Below, we outline some of the most often cited advantages and characteristics of each contact center type:


Establishing an on-site contact center may take many months, as companies must purchase equipment and licenses, configure the infrastructure, and find the appropriate software. On the other hand, creating cloud-based call centers entails installing pre-configured software on a computer.


Businesses must determine if they want equity or operating costs when deciding between an on-premises and a cloud contact center. On-site contact centers need capital expenses for equipment, license, and server hosting. Additionally, they need on-site installation every 5-10 years as hardware ages and technology advances. In comparison, cloud contact centers do not need large upfront hardware or infrastructure investment, as long as an adequate Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth is available. A monthly membership fee is included in the cost of the service.


On-site contact centers provide standard, expected features like transfers, holding, waiting, conferencing, and call logging. Although Cloud Call Centers provide the same services as traditional call centers, they use modern technology to deliver live call monitoring, intelligent IVR, and click-to-call features.

Incorporation: Connecting the on-site contact center to other services is difficult but possible, mainly via licensing and installation. Businesses with robust IT departments may streamline integration and execution, resulting in total cost savings.

Reliability: On-premises contact centers may use more dependable technologies to reduce call delays and improve call quality. However, an on-site contact center’s call quality is only as good as its technology and hardware. On the other hand, Cloud contact centers are excellent when businesses have robust and reliable Internet connections.

Cloud vs On-Premise Call Centers: Differences

Initial and continuing costs

The costs associated with each contact center are critical factors to consider when creating your call center.

Generally, conventional on-site telephone systems need a higher initial investment. You must arrange for the supplier to come to your place of business and install the equipment. Charges may rise following the length of the installation and the equipment’s cost.

A cloud-based contact center may help you save up to 60% on costs because a cloud-based PBX hosting service is virtual. You do not need to hire an engineer to install any device or charge high costs for desk telephones.

Contact your cloud-based provider and request that they digitally configure the equipment you already own.

The most beautiful thing? The cost savings associated with a cloud-based solution are limitless. Virtual telephone numbers associated with your telephone center reduce the cost of contacting your consumers. No more international skyscrapers; they communicate with you through an internet connection.

More: Continue reading: What is a SaaS contact center? (As well as why you want it)


We already know that a contact center on-site requires physical equipment. You will need to contact your provider and request installation.

This is a tricky situation in and of itself. Not only will you need to agree on an installation date (which may be weeks away), but you will also need to access your workplace to make the necessary adjustments. This may take a whole day to complete the installation.

Nonetheless, call center software is available online. You do not require an engineer to attend your office; they may set up your virtual contact center online. All you need to do is install a mobile app on your agent’s smartphone or configure the service via your browser.

This is a helpful list of dosages; however, it should not be used for establishing your cloud-based contact center.

Maintenance and upkeep

Physical telephone networks need maintenance. You may unintentionally have a cable break or a server overheat. Additionally, you will need to upgrade the equipment every few years; telephone technology is deteriorating.

Each of these problems needs repair, resulting in an additional costly trip that disrupts your workday. Each trip may consume more than 23 minutes of your agents’ time. They require an inordinate amount of time to get their bearings after an interruption.

This is not a problem with a cloud-based phone system since they are not necessarily required to have a desk system. Alternatively, you may use softphones – software that is loaded on your smartphone.

If the software in your virtual contact center ceases to work correctly, contact your service provider. You may be able to resolve the problem without visiting your place of employment.


As your business grows, the number of customers that call your support line will increase. You will ultimately recruit more customer service representatives to help you in handling such calls.

Isn’t that the sole issue? Scaling an on-site telephone system is not simple. Each time you install a new desk phone, you will incur extra costs. A wire from another callout engineer to the on-site server is required to connect the desk phone. Additionally, integrating your new desk phone with your call-routing system may take many hours.

Growing a cloud-based contact center system is much easier as it grows in proportion to its size. When you hire a new employee, you do not need any more hardware. After configuring your current work PC with call routing, you may receive calls from it.

Advantages of Cloud Call Centers

Cloud contact centers appeal to businesses because they can be installed in a matter of minutes. Additionally, cloud contact centers do not need upfront capital expenditure, allowing companies to use cutting-edge capabilities to convert legacy call centers to modernized call centers.

  • Reduce costs and increase return on investment (ROE)
  • Establish a fully functional, state-of-the-art multichannel contact center
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Ease of deployment
  • Empower employees
  • Reduce ongoing costs
  • Optimize agent efficiency and productivity
  • Call center management
  • Increase scalability and flexibility
  • Advanced functionality and capabilities

The Advantages of on-Premise Call Centers

Numerous companies anticipate that cloud contact centers will be the least expensive option. However, a high-quality on-premise solution with an upfront cost may be invested in, paid off, and regularly utilized over time without incurring the ongoing price of a cloud solution. Additionally, some companies choose on-site contact centers since they may be customized to specific needs more precisely than cloud call centers. Businesses that use on-site contact center solutions find it easier to train employees since the systems are more customized to their particular needs.

  • Other benefits in the contact center industry include the following:
  • Purchase just required equipment and systems
  • Payment of costs in advance rather than regularly
  • Safe and secure storage of sensitive data in-house
  • maximum functional control
  • Reduced reliability and safekeeping problems

Checklist for Call Center On-Premise to Cloud Migration

Many businesses now rely on contact centers to manage customer service issues. But, poor network connectivity may lead to a tragic disruption of business, spilling over to customer loyalty. This article highlights the steps for better on-premise to cloud migration, and customer retention, including ensuring their calls are top quality as they communicate with the contact center.

On-Premise To Cloud Migration

The standing purpose of a contact center is to support customers, usually in stressful or very frustrating situations. Therefore, you need a high-quality service to ensure the longevity of your company. On-premise to cloud migration is helping businesses maintain scalable communication with growing customers.

Here are the steps to perfect cloud call center migration:

Identify Migration-Architecture

Uphold the responsibility of planning and implementing all aspects of the migration process by defining data migration strategies, cloud-solution requirements, migration priorities, and establishing switchover mechanisms.

There are many decisions, and technical plans to make during a large migration project. You must ensure to have a seasoned migration architect to manage all aspects of the migration.

Establish Cloud Integration Levels

There are two methods of migrating your application from an on-premise data center to the cloud:

  • Shallow Cloud Integration: This is simply moving your on-premises application to the cloud without changing the app or cloud servers running the application.
  • Deep Cloud Integration: making modifications to your application during the migration process and enhancing how you take advantage of unique cloud features.

Cloud migration can be as simple as using auto-scaling and dynamic load balancing or as demanding as implementing serverless computing capabilities such as AWS Lambda to manage parts of the application.

Single Cloud or Multi-Cloud

Before migrating your application, you must determine whether you want to optimize it to run in a single cloud environment. Or you want your application to run on multiple cloud platforms.

What are the Benefits?

Single cloud optimizing for your application allows your development team to focus on learning just one set of cloud APIs. Your application leverages the offerings of your cloud provider.

But wait,

Vendor lock-in is a massive downside for single cloud service migration. Shifting your application to a different cloud provider may be costly, and it also demands excess effort.

Hold on; the plot thickens with multiple cloud service models to choose from:

A Cloud Agnostic Application

You can simultaneously run your application across multiple providers to split the load. You keep ultimate flexibility when negotiating with the vendor as you can quickly shift workloads between cloud providers.

The potential downside is that you may have challenges using the key capabilities of each cloud provider. Also, you may complicate your application development and validation structure.

One Application, Multiple Cloud Providers

You may desire to run parts of your application using different cloud providers, leveraging the unique strengths of each provider.

The only risk here is that your application gets tied to multiple providers, and problems with any of them can affect your customer service delivery.

One Application Run from One Cloud

The other application runs in another cloud. This means that one set of your applications operates under one cloud provider, and another set gets managed using another cloud service.

Having multiple clouds provides increases business leverage and flexibility for the future of your application. You can also optimize your application along with the strengths of each provider.

Highlight Cloud Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators underline the performance metrics that help determine if your application is performing as expected. Cloud migration KPIs show potential problems that may arise in your application. They determine a successful migration process.

Underline Performance Baselines

Ensure to measure the performance of your application before migration and determine whether its post-migration performance is worth the trouble. You can quickly refer to baselines and diagnose any cloud migration problems that may arise.

Migration Component Hierarchy

You must establish whether you will migrate your application whole or migrate it to the cloud in smaller components or as per service. The best approach is to migrate the services most used by your customers so that you can control any impact on your customers.

Application Refactoring (If Necessary)

Perhaps you want to work on your applications and services before subjecting them to migration to ensure they work effectively and efficiently in the cloud. Works you can include refactoring your application to run efficiently with variable instances, dynamic scaling, and cost-saving.

Establish Your Data-Migration Plan

Migrating data to the cloud can end in tears if not done right. Your data’s location significantly affects the application’s performance. And rapidly shifting your data to the cloud from on-premise solutions can affect application performance.

Neglecting a well-planned data-migration plan can cause severe disruptions in the application workflow. You must carefully understand the different cloud communications services available, otherwise, it would be best to leave the job to a seasoned cloud migration architect.

You can leverage excellent techniques like Bidirectional Synchronization to keep all databases identical by replicating and updating data across all nodes. With each node actively taking part in data exchange. Replication of data reduces the load on your server and speeds up application access.

Production Switch-Over

Considering how complex the architecture of your application, data, and data storage is, you have two methods to pick from when switching over operations from on-premise to cloud:

  • The first option, you can move your entire application onto the cloud at once, validate its activity, and then switch traffic for all.
  • Second, you can first shift a few customers over to test and ensure things are working and then escalate migration gradually. Until all your clients migrate to the cloud application.

Application Resource Allocation Review

Ensure to have a solid plan for distributing application resources as you migrate to the cloud. Vendors usually make resources available in virtually any quantity upon demand.

The cloud supports dynamic resource allocation, and you can take advantage of such strengths.

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