What are the Four Types of Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is an off-site location used to save files and business data. It includes scalable and cost-effective alternatives to store the files on storage networks or on-premises hard drives. So, you access them via a dedicated private connection or a public internet. A third-party cloud provider becomes responsible for the data you transfer to the cloud, hosting, managing, securing, and maintaining the servers, along with their associated infrastructure.

Cloud has several advantages, ranging from increased accessibility to data backup. The most prominent features are the high storage capacity and low pricing. These features offer increased flexibility, scalability, and resilience with “anytime, anywhere” data access. 

Why Use Cloud Storage?

Usually, the hard drives of computers are restricted to storing a limited amount of data. It runs out of storage soon, and the user has to use an external storage device to transfer files. In older times, storage area networks (SANs) were used to archive data and files in case of running out of storage. Although, these storage networks are costly because the company has to invest in storing the information when the data expands by adding more servers and infrastructure to meet increased data demands. 

Cloud storage solutions free you from worrying about maintaining storage area networks (SANs), running out of storage, adding more servers, replacing failed devices, or operating underutilized hardware to meet increased data needs. Cloud services are flexible, as you can scale up or down their capacity when needed. Additionally, it can be a great cost-effective solution. They don’t have to invest in the capital costs for building and maintaining massive in-house infrastructure networks. Instead, they just have to pay for the capacity used.

What are the Four Types of Cloud Storage? 

Anyone running a small or large-scale business can leverage the benefits of cloud storage for being virtual hardware. Moreover, it is an adaptable system that saves important documents, images, or videos while letting you operate complex data and run applications. 

The user must establish their use case before choosing a cloud type. Let’s shed light on each!

Private Cloud Storage

Internal cloud storage is also known as enterprise storage – a company solely uses it. The private cloud storage infrastructure is managed by the organization or a service provider that is only accessible to the company via a private connection. However, private cloud storage services are comparatively more expensive than others because they are built for specific needs. At the same time, they are highly beneficial to companies with the biggest fear of privacy and security.

As a Private cloud solutions provider, Enteriscloud offers private cloud storage solutions that enable secure data management, ensure operational transparency, and guarantee reversibility.

Advantages of Private Cloud 

  • Increased Data Security
  • Customized Solutions
  • Highly Proficient Services
  • Impressively Scalable 
  • Unlimited Storage


Although private clouds have some disadvantages, one of the main drawbacks of using cloud storage is the cost, as it can be expensive. Moreover, locating private clouds requires extra effort and maintenance. However, the host firm is responsible for managing private cloud storage. 

Use cases

Large companies such as financial institutions, government agencies, and healthcare organizations can store their most critical and private information using private cloud storage. 

*Companies can install private cloud storage on-premises or with a third party. 

Public Cloud Storage 

It is one of the most commonly used types of online storage, most frequently by individuals, small-scale businesses, and start-up companies. There are few administrative controls while using public cloud storage. Also, the user and anyone else authorized by the user can access it online. There’s no need for the company to maintain its system. Some well-known cloud storage solution providers include IBM Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. 

As multiple solution providers host public cloud services, there is minimal room for customization of the security fields. It is scalable, inexpensive, and dependable, with seamless monitoring and zero maintenance. Moreover, public cloud storage management is an economical approach to data protection and higher scalability. Companies can begin with a short amount of storage and gradually expand the storage as the company grows.

Advantages Of Public Cloud Storage:

Here are some of the most common advantages of public cloud storage:

  • Unparalleled Cost-Effectiveness
  • Improved data security
  • Quick Data Backup
  • Expert monitoring
  • Maximum scalability
  • Reliable Services
  • No Maintenance


The host is on a public cloud, which is a minor downside of the cloud services and makes it a less-than-ideal alternative for some. Additionally, it is not an option for enterprises with large storage requirements or those that must adhere to specific compliance laws.

Use cases

Public cloud storage highly supports people who want complete control of computer resources (such as software and hardware). Mostly the non-critical and everyday tasks such as testing of an application, file sharing or development are performed using public clouds. 

Hybrid Cloud Storage

Hybrid cloud storage refers to the use of a combination of on-premises and cloud storage solutions to create a unified storage infrastructure. Essentially, letting you take advantage of the benefits of both to achieve a more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective storage infrastructure. You don’t need to deploy more in-house resources using a hybrid cloud. Data and apps may be accessed effortlessly between public and private clouds, allowing you to manage your data on your terms. 

Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure services offered by Enteriscloud reduce complexity and consolidate your cloud environments, providing high-performance and security cloud solutions. Data may be saved on the private cloud with cloud storage solutions, while information processing chores can be outsourced to the public cloud. 

Advantages Of Hybrid Cloud Storage:

  • Higher flexibility
  • Greater cost-effectiveness
  • Enhanced data security
  • Improved disaster recovery


Managing a hybrid cloud storage environment can be more complex than managing a single one. Since cloud storage is accessed over the internet, companies must have a strong internet connection for seamless access to data kept in the cloud. Additional costs might be incurred for transferring data between on-premises and cloud storage.

Use Cases:

Hybrid cloud storage can help you maintain access to critical data in a disaster by replicating data across both; on-premises and cloud storage. It allows companies to handle spikes in workload by leveraging cloud storage to handle overflow capacity. Moreover, hybrid cloud storage helps reduce storage costs by using cloud storage for less frequently accessed data while keeping frequently accessed data on-premises.

Community Cloud Storage

Community cloud storage is a cloud computing model in which multiple organizations or individuals share infrastructure with similar interests or requirements. It can be used by various government organizations in the same country to store, process, manage, and access data. This combined infrastructure is designed to meet the community’s specific needs and is managed by a third-party provider.

Cloud storage providers in this approach provide their cloud architecture, software, and other development tools to satisfy the community’s needs. All information is saved on the society’s private cloud storage to manage the community’s security and compliance demands.

Advantages Of Community Cloud Storage

  • Data usage flexibility
  • Amazing Scalable Data Security
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Excellent data protection


Since community cloud storage involves sharing infrastructure and resources among multiple organizations, there is a higher risk of data breaches and other security concerns. Organizations depend on the provider to maintain the infrastructure and data security for the service provider’s management. Community cloud storage users may need more control over the infrastructure and resources, which can limit their ability to customize the environment to their specific needs.

Use Cases

Healthcare providers and government agencies can use community cloud storage as it helps store and share patient data security while ensuring compliance with industry regulations. It is used in educational sectors to share resources and facilitate collaboration among schools and universities.  

Wrap it Up!

Are you still wondering what are the four types of cloud storage? We have explained each cloud storage solution with its strengths, weaknesses, and use cases. You should choose the one that best meets your business’s needs.

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