
Why AWS Private Cloud is Better than the Public Cloud?



Today, cloud technology allows companies to expand and adjust rapidly and quickly, boost creativity, enhance business agility, simplify processes, and lower expenses. A cloud computing solution is an approach to providing IT infrastructure to clients rather than just a collection of products. However, cloud computing is not a singular concept; it can be divided into three main types; private, public, and hybrid.

Multiple cloud service providers offer distinct forms of cloud computing, such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. In this article, our main focus will be on AWS cloud services provider, specifically the difference between AWS public and private cloud.

What is AWS Private Cloud?

AWS Private Cloud is a cloud computing environment built on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and designed for use by a single organization. It is also sometimes referred to as a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

With AWS Private Cloud, you can create a private network in the cloud that is isolated from the public internet and other AWS customers. This network can be customized with peculiar security policies, routing rules, and subnets to fulfill your business needs.

Overall, AWS Private Cloud provides a secure, flexible, and customizable cloud computing environment for enterprises that require a higher level of control and security than is possible with a public cloud. 

Pros & Cons of AWS Private Cloud

AWS Private Cloud offers several benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the pros and cons:


Enhanced Security: 

AWS Private Cloud provides an isolated, dedicated section of the cloud infrastructure for a single user or business, providing greater control and improved security. You can use advanced features like VPC flow logs, network access control lists, and security groups to further strengthen the protection of your private cloud environment.

Better Control: 

With AWS Private Cloud, users have complete control over the infrastructure, which can be configured to meet distinct security, compliance, and regulatory demands. Users have better check over the resources and can monitor as well as manage them effectively. 

Improved Performance: 

AWS Private Cloud gives you access to exclusive resources, which can result in efficient performance and faster data transfer speeds. You can configure your private cloud environment to ensure optimal performance for your specific applications and workloads.


The private cloud is a single-tenant infrastructure that can be personalized and adapted to fit the conditions of its users. Using AWS Private Cloud, you can customize the topology of your networks, IP address ranges, routing tables, etc., per your needs.


Higher Cost: 

AWS Private Cloud can require a more upfront investment in hardware and infrastructure and more resources to manage and maintain. This can result in higher costs, especially for smaller enterprises or those with lower resource utilization.

Increased Complexity: 

AWS Private Cloud asks for more technical knowledge and expertise to set up and optimize. This can increase the complexity of the infrastructure and require more time and resources to maintain.

Limited Scalability: 

While AWS Private Cloud can be scaled up, it can be challenging to scale it to the same degree as Public Cloud. This can limit the ability to rapidly increase resources in response to spikes in demand.

Potential Maintenance Issues: 

As AWS Private Cloud is in need of dedicated resources, it can be subject to maintenance and upgrade issues that can cause downtime and disruptions to service. 

What is AWS Public Cloud?

With the public cloud, third-party service providers manage on-demand computing infrastructure and deliver them to multiple companies over the Internet. In this case, enterprises don’t need to take care of their cloud computing system as it is managed and hosted by a public cloud service provider like AWS. 

Companies that deal with dynamic workloads and unpredictable capacities often prefer the public cloud as it is more elastic and it is faster to add or decrease resources as required in comparison to an on-premises environment. 

Pros & Cons of AWS Public Cloud

Easy pay-as-you-go

The advantage of using a public cloud is that you don’t have to worry about purchasing servers, looking for data center space, or managing the network infrastructure. This way, you save money both initially and in the long run. It is easy to get more computing resources when needed – all you must do is a few clicks or contact your service provider.


Pocket-friendliness is a major benefit of public clouds compared to private and hybrid clouds. Companies don’t need to purchase additional servers or hire IT staff to handle the expansion of their computing resources when needed; it is the responsibility of the public cloud provider to govern the network equipment and satisfy the need for more resources.

High reliability:

The public cloud also has multiple points of origin, so even if one data center encounters power outages or hurricanes, other data centers can still serve resources. Amazon’s servers and data centers are located around the globe to ensure reliability and keep all customers online.


SecurityWhen it comes to public clouds, you have no control over anything. There is little you can do to affect aspects of cloud computing, such as server purchases, data center maintenance, software upgrades, and uptime. 

Security measures cannot be directly controlled, which is one of the biggest cons.

Unexpected costsPublic cloud solutions are often touted as cost-saving, but hidden costs can turn them into a nightmare. While public clouds are attractive because of their scalability and affordability, they can charge ever-increasing fees if large quantities of data are used.

PerformanceDespite the major benefits of public clouds, their performance on a daily basis can be a liability. Virtual desktops or software programs can run slowly when there are spikes in data transmission. 

How does AWS Private Cloud compare to Public Cloud?

Compared to Public Cloud, a multi-tenant cloud environment where resources are shared among multiple users, AWS Private Cloud provides dedicated resources for a single user or establishment. This allows for greater control over the infrastructure and data and improved security and compliance.

While Public Cloud offers on-demand scalability and cost-effectiveness, AWS Private Cloud provides a higher level of customization and control, making it a good choice for organizations with particular compliance concerns or high-security demands. Private Cloud is also a good option for corporations that require the use of legacy applications or have particular hardware requirements. 

However, Private clouds are limited by the high costs associated with acquiring, configuring, maintaining, and upgrading hardware and software. In contrast, Public Clouds offer a pay-per-use model, where users only pay for the resources they use.

Ultimately, the choice between AWS Private Cloud and Public Cloud will depend on a firm’s needs and priorities, including security and compliance regulations, resource utilization, and cost considerations.

How can Enteriscloud help you deliver your cloud solutions?

Choosing the right cloud service that caters to a company’s necessities is one of the biggest challenges business owners face. Not all providers offer the same kind of packages or have been around as long, especially when it comes to public & private cloud solutions

Enteriscloud provides cost-effective Cloud services that help your business transform its IT environment and reduce costs while staying competitive. We empower companies to boost their productivity through cutting-edge cloud computing consulting services. Our team is here to assist our customers with a seamless transition to the cloud, be it a public, private, or hybrid solution. 


Keep in mind that all of your problems will not simply go away just because you are working in a cloud environment. Still, you should conduct due diligence when buying services from third-party vendors. Both private and public cloud services can generate plenty of revenue for your business. Moreover, it makes businesses scalable, meaning they can adjust according to demand.


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