AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure Market Share

Nowadays, cloud computing has become an essential part of modern data storage and manipulation. It is important for data protection, data storage, and performing tasks on that data. There are two main cloud computing types: Public cloud and Private cloud. 

The public cloud refers to the cloud services that an individual or an organization receives via the internet.

All the cloud reserves are stored on the cloud servers of the vendors, and the necessary services can be easily accessed from there. It can also be provided to multiple customers simultaneously and hence is named a public cloud.

Whereas private cloud solutions refer to cloud services that are completely designated to an individual or an organization. No other person is authorized to access that.

They are hosted by private cloud systems provided by the vendors and the cloud service providers. More than one customer cannot use a private cloud at a single time. In this topic, we discuss will AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure Market Share. 

AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure Cloud Services

The fight of being the best cloud service provider is largely between the three giants in the computing world, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. The cloud services provided by Amazon are called Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Microsoft’s services regarding cloud computing are called Microsoft Azure. Besides, Google cloud services are known as Google cloud. 

This article also describes the in-depth differences between the three companies and their cloud services. 

AWS Cloud Services

AWS and Amazon are generally dominant compared to Microsoft and Google when it comes to providing complete cloud services and their overall maintenance. They are also the leaders in market shares as AWS and Amazon hold 33% of the market share in the cloud world. 

AWS has a vast toolset that continues to grow each year, and its dominance is unmatched yet. However, the services they provide can often get costly. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of AWS

AWS vs Google Cloud vs Azure Market Share

Huge Scope

When it comes to cloud computing and providing cloud services, AWS has a huge scope, and no other company comes close to them regarding the variety and amount of cloud services they can provide.

Most Experienced

As the pioneers in starting general cloud services, Amazon and AWS possess more experience than any other company. They only are reputed quite highly.


Probably the weakest point of the AWS cloud services is the cost of their operations and how they are far more expensive than any other cloud service provider in the market.

Although the standard and quality of the products and their work are very high for many people, it can get too expensive.

However, the pros of the AWS cloud services far outweigh the cons and make it a leader in the AWS vs. Azure vs. Google cloud market share.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Services 

Azure is the product launched by Microsoft, and it is majorly responsible for providing cloud services and acts as a cloud vendor. Azure is a close second to AWS and Amazon and has 18% of the market share. 

It gets second place in AWS vs. Azure vs. Google cloud market shares. Although Azure came quite late, its association with Microsoft proved vital. Hence it got a head start that some others may not have access to.

With the help of a leading tech company at its back, Azure is quickly transiting towards a better and more advanced cloud service vendor.

Advantages and disadvantages of Azure cloud Services

Affiliation with Microsoft

Azure’s affiliation with a company like Microsoft proves to be vital. Hence a lot of the customer and market of Microsoft is shared by Azure. The clients and customers trust Azure to be on the standards as they already have built trust with Microsoft.

Operational Costs 

Unlike AWS, Azure has way fewer operational costs and is a more economical approach to customers and clients.


One of the major reasons for Azure’s downfall is the variety they possess, and although the quality is up to the mark, the lack of vast features and variety is a big miss.

Google Cloud Services

Google is a leading tech giant globally and has also launched its cloud services known as Google cloud. Google cloud services are also highly appropriate for individuals and companies looking for a small number of cloud storage and services that are economical and user-friendly. 

Google cloud services are ranked third in the AWS vs. Azure vs. Google cloud market share. Google’s cloud services are all developed and maintained by Google itself. They have a high reputation in the market but are not quite enterprise-centric like the rest.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Cloud Services:

High Compute Offerings

Google cloud services offer high computing offerings to their customers and the organizations that partner with them. The services that they offer range from Big Data to Data Analytics and their cloud platforms.


The operational costs of the services provided by Google regarding the cloud are quite affordable. Organizations and companies prefer the services provided by Google just because of this fact alone.

Not Enterprise Friendly 

The major downside of the cloud platforms and services provided by Google is that they are not enterprise-friendly and don’t give much effort into working with enterprises. Hence, a huge market of enterprises that need cloud services and are thinking of shifting towards the cloud is not fond of them.


The major three competitors in the cloud world are Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. The cloud services they provide are of high standards, but they all have their pros and cons. It is all dependent on the client and customer’s choice and needs to decide which one is better. 

However, the market share of AWS is more than Azure and Google at 33% and leads the race in AWS vs Google cloud vs Azure market share. 

Top 5 Reasons for Cloud Migration Failure

Different Reasons for Cloud Migration Failure

The process of migrating from a conventional or a more traditional method of data storing and its manipulation towards a cloud ecosystem is termed cloud migration. More and more organizations and companies are finding new and improved ways to initiate flourishment into their business.

Hence, moving to a more organized, strategized, and coherent environment is necessary, making cloud a primal option. The whole procedure, however, can be intricate in many ways. 

Cloud migration is the set of rules that enforce appropriate migration to the cloud environment. Cloud migration can prove to be a vital tool for enterprises for shifting to the cloud when done right.

There are various types of cloud migration methods. And deploying such a system has no boundary nowadays. When this process is not followed as provided guidelines, it can lead to severe catastrophes and lead to cloud migration failure. 

Different Types of Cloud Migration

An enterprise can perform various types of cloud migration, and some of the different kinds of cloud migrations are as follows: 

Public Cloud Migration

The traditional way of migrating data to the cloud is known as public cloud migration. In this process, the applications and required information are transferred from a local on-premise data center to a safe & secure public cloud.

Cloud to Cloud Migration

This type of cloud migration requires shifting data and applications from one cloud platform to another. It can be done for multiple reasons.

Reverse Cloud Migration

The reverse procedure comes into play in this type of cloud migration, and data and applications are shifted back to the local data center environment. 

Reasons for Cloud Migration Failure

As mentioned above, cloud migration for most organizations has become inevitable, and the quicker this migration happens, the faster an enterprise can hope for its flourishment.

However, despite having great software tools, and migration techniques, organizations often fail to articulate the real reasons why cloud migration fails. The fact is that cloud migration is an intricate and delicate process, and things can get awry pretty quickly. The following are five significant reasons for cloud migration failure: 

Inappropriate Planning

One of the most common reasons for cloud migration failure is the lack of planning. Enterprises and organizations often start the already intricate cloud migration method before the appropriate planning is complete.

Such cloud migrations started without prior research, and a coherent, developed strategy has all the ingredients to fail. 

It is often relatively easy for organizations to migrate if they have a clear path to follow. It goes pretty seamlessly for companies when they are told what directions to follow. However, planning is not their cup of tea, and inadequate planning leads to avoidable cloud migration failure. 

Cloud Migration Failure


The easiest way to avoid such an issue is through prior robust planning and thorough examination of the company’s infrastructure. Organizations should tend to create records for all the necessary resources and tools required, make a reasonable timeline for the migration, and allow companies to have a backup plan and time for reinforcing if something goes wrong.

Going Too Big Too Soon

Another big reason for cloud migration failure is that companies and enterprises often don’t know why they are migrating to the cloud in the first place.

They think that because everyone is doing this, they need to. However, cloud migration is such a seamless, although intricate process that companies do not know why and when to shift to the cloud platform, making it even trickier. 

Understanding that not every application is suited for cloud migration, and that some applications and data resources should stay in local data centers is very important.

It is the right choice to start small and not go too big too soon, leading to serious catastrophes. This can easily be avoided if the companies and organizations have a crystal-clear image and know when and why they move towards the cloud. If they have a clear image, they can easily make this process easy and seamless.

Selecting The Wrong Approach

As mentioned above, there are many different approaches and methods for initiating cloud migration. And they all are relative to situations. One of the significant reasons for cloud migration failure is not knowing which approach to choose.

There are three major deployment options for cloud migration, and knowing what option to choose and when to choose it is vital. 

Most organizations do what they do: select whichever option they like haphazardly, and it costs them in the long term. Different approaches and techniques are required to tackle different scenarios, and hence choosing the best plan should be given prime importance.

The easy way to avoid such action is thorough planning and detailed research about what type of deployment option is needed. 

Lack of Skill and Experience

Such large-scale cloud migrations are often done once in a big organization. Companies hesitate to redo all this as it is a procedure that takes a lot of time and requires cost and operational management.

When an organization shifts to the cloud, many employees and its workers could lack the adequate skill set and experience to handle such a situation. It can lead to a lack of confidence and, hence, greater risks such as cloud migration failure. 

The migration not only takes a hit, but the cloud environment is also likely to suffer. This means that the enterprise which is migrating to the cloud will not know how to use such an environment properly and would not be able to benefit from it. The employees should be given proper training before making such a move. 

Not Choosing the Best Cloud Provider

Sometimes the whole procedure goes seamlessly, and all the necessary points are met; however, it still leads to cloud migration failure. The main reason for this is the selection of a cloud provider. There are different types of clouds, and all have their own set of principles that make them function and make them unique. Not all cloud platforms work perfectly under all conditions. 

Clouds are of different types such as hybrid, public, and private clouds, and hence it should be the prime focus of any organization to make sure they have the best cloud provider they could opt for. 


Cloud migration failure is a serious issue and should be dealt with with intricate care. Migrating to the cloud is the best option out there but can go awry if it is not done right. It should be made sure that the companies do thorough prior research and know about all the ins and outs of the process to ensure effective migration. 

Public PaaS vs Private PaaS: What’s the Difference?

Cloud infrastructure (PaaS) is a ubiquitous virtualization technology in which a third-party supplier provides customers with hardware and software requirements through the network. Several tools are typically required for developing applications. In Public PaaS vs Private PaaS, both computer systems are hosted upon that PaaS supplier’s server. 

As a result, PaaS relieves engineers from the need to install on-premises operating systems in order to build or execute an application. PaaS products are frequently marketed as easy to use and handy.

Subscribers will often be charged the per fee. Given the possible cost reductions across options, a company will find the transition to PaaS appealing.

Notwithstanding the years of technological magazines and firms covering the Framework as a Solution (PaaS) sector, many individuals just really don’t understand the distinction between publicly versus private PaaS.

In response to the changes, there is still a lot of misunderstanding. If you ever get the chance to visit Windows Innovate in Atlanta, you will be surprised to see how many participants still are not aware of the PaaS sector. They are especially unfamiliar with the distinction between public versus private PaaS.

Are You Acquainted With PaaS?

When asked, Are you acquainted with PaaS?” participants’ responses would frequently discuss the installation of global PaaS with no mention of the advantages of private. It was, to say the least, aggravating.

There is clearly still much to be performed, and it is as vital as ever to emphasize the distinction between commercial and commercial PaaS. One source of misunderstanding here is that internal and external PaaS suppliers tout some of those same advantages.

PaaS Suppliers

In general, seek to assist businesses to accelerate app development by empowering developers to design and deliver apps more quickly. However, they are two quite distinct goods. So let me give you a quick second to describe what distinguishes these two in a nutshell.

PaaS initially emerged as a subcategory in the 2000s as accessible PaaS. Software As A service debuted in January 2008, soon becoming a price bracket software application that captivated designers’ minds.

Heroku (now acquired by Salesforce), Machine Yard, and Microsoft’s Azure are some of the many early participants in the public PaaS sector. 

All You Need To Know About Public PaaS

When it comes to Public PaaS vs Private PaaS, many public PaaS suppliers essentially provide connectivity that allows programmers to establish, operate, and administer servers and tables without dealing with the architecture.

However, this is a major problem; public PaaS operates in front of a company’s Grid computing (IaaS) and makes use of another cloud provider. Nintendo’s Azure PaaS, in contrast, is built on top of Azure IaaS, whereas the Google Play store Engine is created on the basis of Cloud Infrastructures. You’re tethered to a single cloud environment, which you can or can not choose to utilize. 

Several microenterprises have used public PaaS. Nevertheless, because innovation is so inextricably linked to the cloud environment, corporations and large organizations have mainly chosen without implementing it.

This is because a plethora of rules and tasks burden corporate app production. To comply with regulatory laws, more of an entire database must be kept in the cloud platform, behind one wall. 

This isn’t to think that government internet systems cannot be used in the industry; but, throughout the situation of Infrastructure as a Service, plenty of the International 2000 have discovered that only internal PaaS is acceptable.

All You Need To Know About Private PaaS

Private PaaS is an entirely different creature. It enables you to install and manage corporate software yet adheres to stringent confidentiality standards. The private PaaS program may be installed on any equipment and function within a group’s cloud environment, which IT staff maintains.

Writers may find parallels across private and community at large PaaS because the IT organization most certainly does not. Many business use scenarios for personal PaaS have evolved, covering hybrids as well as private computing strategies, internet activation for existing and future services, as well as microservices programming.


Bottom Line

The versatility of the finest public PaaS platforms guarantees that businesses can utilize them to accomplish a particular task. And, they are laying the groundwork for corporations looking to convert themselves into world-class technology companies.

So, for illustration, if you want to install a Wider stakeholder cloud infrastructure while still reaping the rewards of PaaS, you may do so. Apprenda helped to establish the corporate PaaS market when it launched in 2007, but also its clients include JPMorgan Chase, Siemens, and AmerisourceBergen. Other companies, such as Red Hats, Foundry, and ActiveState, provide proprietary PaaS options.

A vendor provides the fundamental computing, memory, data centers, and the emulator — the virtualized element — with IaaS. Administrators now must construct VMS, and install network services, assistance programs, and data, including administering all configurations and administration duties related to those activities.

Microsoft Azure, AWS, as well as Google App Engine are samples of IaaS providers (GCE). PaaS providers supply more than just the enterprise application than IaaS providers, including versions of windows, software (also including databases), and many other virtual machines on the internet. Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, as well as Google Cloud Storage, are two PaaS solutions. 

The main advantage of PaaS for consumers is its convenience and ease. The Cloud vendor will offer most of the equipment and some other IT capabilities, which customers will be able to access from any via a web page. The option to purchase the per basis enables business.

Takeaway Point – SaaS Provider

A SaaS provider provides a full program stack. Consumers just log in and utilize the program entirely hosted by the cloud computing platform.

Generally, SaaS apps are entirely available through a web browser online. SaaS vendors utilize those resources. Amazon, Dropbox, as well as Google Workstation are implementations of SaaS.

PaaS Advantages | Disadvantages | Best Practices

PasS advantages are numerous. When it comes to cloud computing, Platform as a service (PaaS) is a paradigm that allows for the rapid and accurate development of applications. When a third-party provider offers these application development tools via the internet, together with the necessary hardware and software to support it off-site, this is referred to as a cloud computing system. In this blog, we are discussing PaaS benefits, disadvantages, and best practices.

All of the platform components, including operating systems, server software, firewalls, and security measures, are managed by PaaS. You do not need to spend anything to have this set up.

Exploring PaaS benefits and drawbacks may help you decide if this system is appropriate for your company. If you select PaaS, there are methods to make efficient use of it to maximize its advantages.

Who You Should Opt for PaaS?

How do you know your business needs this particular cloud computing architecture, not IaaS or SaaS? There would be several broad indications:

  • It will help if you design/develops applications.
  • You have developers who can build, test, and deliver applications.
  • You cannot/do not want to invest time and money in the construction and management of physical infrastructure.

Platform as a service for start-ups, small enterprises, and expanding corporations is a suitable choice for two reasons: For two reasons: 1) lowers expenses and 2) minimizes risks connected with software license acquisition, management, and essential infrastructure maintenance.

PaaS Advantages

  • Naturally, a PaaS has several benefits. Here are some of the favorites of our customers.
  • One obvious benefit of utilizing PaaS is to save money that can be utilized for other company activities just for what you need through the cloud. You will not have to keep, update, or substitute systems and software and receive the finest in upgrading technology for your company. This free time and money enable your firm to concentrate on development and business, to encourage vision and business growth from within.
  • With PaaS, you can rapidly test and deploy new apps. Faster deployment equals improved corporate success. Your development teams may attempt alternative configurations of an application, test it in different settings and improve it more quickly than is traditionally feasible on-site.
  • Like most cloud applications, cloud platform solutions (PaaS) provide dynamic scalability. Your supplier will make this happen if you require more robust infrastructure and scale down when demand is low. You pay just for what you use, so you may save money overall and ensure that your consumers and customers do not suffer from sluggish, delayed connections due to a lack of network capabilities.

PaaS Disadvantages

  • To explore the benefits and inconveniences of PaaS, initially, we will start with the bad news.
  • Data security must be addressed and scrutinized with a PaaS since information is kept off-site. You may guarantee that the system is privately adequate for your purposes by using the appropriate steps and data policies to protect secret information from the cloud. However, this may be a complex sale to managers and other employees outside the IT department occasionally.
  • Not every element of the current cloud infrastructure of your business can be created. If specific components cannot be cloud-enabled effectively, different applications and programs may need to be switched to integrate completely. Alternatively, you may have to leave some of these items in the cloud and your infrastructure.
  • Finally, a less-than-perfect PaaS supplier may irritate your business. It would help if you had excellent speed, stability, and support to make PaaS valuable.

Best Practices of PaaS

Although the PaaS benefits outweigh the disadvantages, there are ways to utilize a PaaS that optimize these benefits while also providing the most fantastic experience for its users.

It would be best to choose a PaaS provider with extensive expertise with this technology to guarantee that you are matched with the most appropriate PaaS provider.

  • Examine and evaluate mobile apps.
  • Scan online applications available on the internet or in private networks.
  • Examine the source code for security issues.
  • Take use of single sign-on features.
  • Drain logs via Syslog or HTTPS, including events that are associated with the occurrence

In addition to contributing to safety, these qualities address the first problem on the disadvantages list. When you show your workers that your provider is concerned about their safety, they are more likely to accept the PaaS idea, which may be accomplished in various ways.

Before making the transition to PaaS, plan to ensure that your company is compliant, and has the necessary safety measures in place, redundancies, and backup processes worked out in advance of a disaster.

To accomplish this, you may analyze your data, existing resources, business objectives, and present requirements, and strive to create the appropriate environment for your organization with your provider. If you are worried about migrating to PaaS, engage with a supplier that provides complete installation and migration. Whether you give this part of the system over to your trusted provider entirely or incorporate a member of a provider’s setup/integration team into your own IT team, having an expert on board is a beautiful method to transfer your current system without experiencing issues.

In this regard, ensure that your supplier is always prepared to help at any step, from initial installation and deployment, through monitoring activities, updates, security patches, etc.

Your PaaS supplier should be available to offer professional assistance 24/7. By working with your PaaS provider and having a clear concept about what you need as a service from the Platform, you will remove the few drawbacks of PaaS and concentrate on the PaaS benefits.

Is PaaS a Public Cloud or a Private Cloud?

Platform-as-a-Service, or better yet PaaS is a cloud computing service where vendors supply a cloud-based platform enabling clients to develop, host, and run applications. It is amongst the three cloud computing service models. Is PaaS a Public Cloud or a Private Cloud, let’s explore all the possibilities. 

As a PaaS client, you primarily rent all the resources needed to build applications from a cloud provider, including infrastructure, operating systems, and development tools. This service mainly simplifies the development of web applications for you as a developer because the backend management happens in the background.

What are the Three Cloud Computing Models?

Cloud computing has three core models: Platform as a service (developer tools and equipment maintained by the provider), Software-as-a-Service (hosted and maintained by the cloud provider), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (servers, storage, etc. Managed by your cloud provider).

Understand the difference between public clouds and private clouds

What is a Public Cloud?

Public cloud services are cloud computing solutions offered to multiple clients by a cloud provider. Public cloud services include software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Public cloud service runs on remote servers managed by the provider. You can access the services through the Internet.

What is a Private Cloud?

Private cloud services are cloud computing solutions exclusively serving a single business or organization. In this way, it’s easier to customize resources to accommodate specific organizational IT requirements.

The private cloud can get physically hosted as an on-site data center, or a third-party provider can manage the hosting. Either way, the services, and infrastructure get organized on a private network. All hardware and software remain dedicated to a single organization.

What Components Are Available In Platform as a Service?

Platform as Service offerings includes everything you need to build applications as a  developer. The primary services offered by cloud platform solutions providers include:

Development Tools

Cloud platforms as Service providers offer multiple software development tools, including a source code editor, debugging tools, a compiler, and other crucial development tools. The tools are sometimes offered together as one development framework with specific tools varying between PaaS vendors.

Operating System

A Platform as a Service provider supplies and maintains the operating system you work on as you develop and run your applications.


Middleware is crucial to run an application on PaaS Services, although you don’t interact with it.

Middleware is the software that plays middle-man between the user-interface applications and the operating system running your machine. For instance, middleware enables your software to respond to input instructions from the keyboard or mouse.


PaaS providers also supply developers with database management systems and maintenance.


Everything included in infrastructure as a Service is in the platform as a Service application. The provider either manages storage, servers, and physical data centers or purchases them from IaaS providers.

Advantages of Platform as a Service Models

Quick Deployment and Marketing

PaaS enables you to build applications more rapidly than if you had to worry about structuring, configuring, and making provisions for your development platform and backend infrastructure.

Conveniently, all you need to do with PaaS is write the code you want to execute, test, and run your application, and your vendor sorts out the rest.

Productive Work Environment

PaaS permits you to host, develop, debug, test, and update your applications all in one environment. Thanks to PaaS, you can accurately determine whether your web application will function smoothly before actually deploying it. Or updates.

PaaS simplifies your application development lifecycle.

Effective Costs, Efficient Costs

PaaS is more cost-effective than IaaS services, especially since you don’t have to manage and maintain your virtual machines.

Some providers offer pay-as-you-go pricing, whereby you only pay for the usage of computing resources by the application. You avoid unnecessary costs. However, pricing varies between vendors, and some cloud providers may charge a flat fee per month.

Easy Licensing

PaaS cloud providers handle all licensing for operating systems, development tools, and everything else included in their platform.

Disadvantages of Using PaaS

Vendor Dependency

Too much effort and resources are required to change PaaS vendors, making a business highly dependent on its standing vendor. As a result, any changes in your providers’ processes or infrastructure can significantly impact the performance of your applications, especially if they run on the old configurations.

Also, any changes in pricing may suddenly increase the running costs of your application.

Vendor Lock-In

Building your application on a vendor’s platform, and using their tools may make it challenging to switch PaaS providers. Different vendors may have different architectures and structures. You may experience compatibility issues with languages, libraries, APIs, or even the operating system to develop and run your application.

Thus, developers may need to either rebuild or make excessive changes to your application.

Security and Compliance Issues

The architecture of PaaS enables external vendors to store the majority, or all of your application’s data, alongside hosting the code. Sometimes your vendor even uses a third party (IaaS) to keep the databases.

Although most PaaS vendors are established companies with strong security measures, such instances make it challenging to assess and test your application data security.

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